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By: Emmanuel Coleman

She lay back on the bed and ran her palm up and down her belly. She wished. Oh how she wished! She slipped off her night gown and rose from the bed. She went to stand in front of the full length mirror and looked at herself.  She slipped off her panties and stood, completely in the nude.
She surveyed her voluptuous body from head to toe. Her breasts were full and firm. She had a little pot belly but her shape was lovely. Gerda sighed and patted her crotch. Her nipples stood out, yearning to be touched. She sighed again. She stood there for some time equivocating. The clock struck 12 midnight. Gerda finally made up her mind.
 She quietly padded barefoot out of her bedroom and moved to Kwaku’s bedroom. She turned the door knob and went in and flipped on the light.
Kwaku Kissi was fast asleep. Gerda trembled with desire.
 She went to his bedside and lifted the covers. She slipped into the bed beside him. Kwaku was awoken by her kisses on his face.
 He opened his mouth to speak but Gerda covered it with her hungry lips.  She thrust her tongue in and out his mouth. Kwaku responded by sucking on it. They rolled about in the bed like playful puppies. Somehow, amidst the kisses and caresses, the pajamas completely came off his body. His lips and hands traveled all over her body. Now one nipple would find its way into his mouth, then the other. Then his mouth would be traveling up and down her neck, as one hand caresses her thighs and her midriff and then her back. They went on and on until she could take it no more. Gerda guided him into her and their two bodies merged into one. They met each other thrust for thrust, slowly and sensuously at first, and then faster and faster as they were consumed by the sweet fire until they reached an earthshaking climax. Gerda sighed a long keening sigh.
“Das gut. That was good, Kwaku. Danke, danke schon! Thanks a lot,” she said and pressed a gentle kiss on his mouth. They drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.
The days that followed were days of sheer bliss. Kwaku and Gerda were practically inseparable. They spent most of the time together. Gerda, however, took care not to let nosy neighbors know of Kwaku’s presence. They would spend time chatting, cooking and taking care of the other household chores. In the evenings, they would spend their time cuddling on the couch, or curled up together on the rug in front of the hearth. At such times, Gerda asked Kwaku about himself and his family back home, about Ghana and about his childhood. She seemed very hungry to know so much. She even wanted to know exactly where he lived or would live when he was in Ghana or visited Ghana. She wanted to know about the culture of his people, the types of food they ate and how to cook them. Gerda also wanted to know about marriage in his country. She wanted to know how marriages were contracted and how it would apply to a foreigner like her.
Kwaku Kissi had originally intended to spend just the night but the night turned into days, the days turned into weeks and the weeks into seven months. Of course, by this time, he had told Gerda about his illegal immigrant status. Now and then she would playfully threaten to turn him over to the police. He would laugh and tell her she would miss him if she did that. When he said that they would laugh heartily.
One day, after three sessions of heavy love making, Gerda, a devious look in her eyes, picked up the phone and dialed the Polizei. She reported Kwaku and gave them her location. Kwaku was shocked! In no time, as if the police were just around the corner, they arrived. All the while, Gerda giggled as if it was a great joke.
Kwaku was whisked away in the police car. Before he knew what was happening, he was on a flight to Kotoka. He sat in the airplane, restrained. He was still in shock. He never imagined Gerda could do such a thing.  He was shocked by the ease with which she betrayed him. What? After all that went on between them? After all the love they shared? Was she not the one who said she loved him? Wasn’t she the one who said she cared? All kinds of thoughts ran through his mind. Kwaku had no time to take a single thing that belonged to him. All his struggles had gone to waste.  He thought of his old mother and his sisters who were all looking up to him. When he found Gerda, he thought all his problems were over. Their eventual marriage would have automatically regularized his stay. Everything was going on so well, and now this? Eh, what kind of unlucky star was he born under?
Kwaku remembered how he had to sell some family property in order to get the sum the visa contractor had demanded in order to get his fake visa and afford the ticket. He remembered the high hopes he nurtured when he set off on his sojourns.
He wondered what he was going to tell his family when he got home. How could Kwaku tell his mother that he has blown everything because of a woman! He was such a disappointment. Why did he stay so long at Gerda’s? With hindsight, he realized he should have moved out as soon as day broke. He fought back the tears, gritted his teeth and determined to try again. This time he would try the Sahara route. A man’s gotta take risks.
When the flight touched down at Kotoka, it was dark. He was taken out and the manacles on his wrists were taken off. He managed to charter a taxi home.
No one expected him. He knocked on the door of the chamber and hall his mother and sisters lived in. He heard his mother asking one of his sisters to check who was at the door.
When Asabea opened the door her mouth opened with surprise. Then she gave a loud shriek and flung herself into his opened arms.
“Oh bro bro! Maame, it is bro!” she screamed. “Ama! Akos! Come, come and see! Bro is back!”
“Kwaku! Kwaku oooh!” his mother also shrieked. “My son is back oooh!” Ama and Akos also appeared and threw themselves on him amid shrieks of joy. They went inside.
Kwaku asked about their wellbeing and about how things generally were with them. His mother wanted to know why he didn’t inform them of his coming so that they could have met him at the airport, or prepared something for him. At this point Kwaku tactfully refrained from giving them any details about the circumstances of his coming. After a lot of happy chatter, it was time to go to bed. His mother wanted to put her bed at his disposal but he declined her offer and rather settled for a sleeping mat in the hall.
As Kwaku lay on the mat, he tried to forget his problems. After all, there was nothing he could do about the situation now. He missed Gerda but she was now history. He sighed and turned on the hard mat and remembered Gerda’s comfortable bed. Images of their last time together went around in his head. He saw her astride him in the rocking chair. He saw the twinkle in her eyes as she giggled.
Kwaku Kissi still couldn’t fathom why on this bloody earth Gerda had betrayed him to the Police. He was certain she loved him so what was her reason for snitching on him?  He still wondered what he was going to tell his mum and sisters on the morrow. As those thoughts went round in his head, sleep overtook him.
He slept late into the day. Actually, he had to get up from the hall and recline on his mother’s bed. At about 2 pm, he woke. He freshened up and settled behind a stout bowl of fufu and palm nut soup replete with tilapia, herrings and snails. He hadn’t tasted a more delicious meal in a long time. He polished it off with gusto and belched loudly after he finished.
Afterwards, Kwaku Kissi sat in one of the armchairs in his mother’s hall. The telly was on and he watched a musical. There was a knock at the door. After it persisted for a while, he got up reluctantly to answer. He didn’t want any of the neighbors to know of his arrival now. Whoever was at the door was likely to spread the news of his presence in Ghana. They would expect presents he didn’t have for them. He sighed and opened the door. He gaped in astonishment.
There stood Gerda, giggling.

“Oh mein liebchen!” she cried and stretched out her arms, ran forward and threw them around the dumbfounded Kwaku Kissi and covered his face with her kisses.

The End.


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